At first look the idea of creating a computer gaming club at school seems like a fairly simple decision. However, like many things in life decisions are rarely as simple as they seem.
Whether you realise it or not during this WebQuest you have discovered many things besides the pros and cons of computer gaming.
Firstly, you found that like most topics there are many different views and points to consider. For example, did you think about these ideas before you began your research?
• Games can increase problem solving ability
• Games can lead to addiction
• The huge variety of different types of computer games available
• RPG games may support your English language development
Secondly, you experienced that when people feel strongly about a topic it can be very difficult to come to consensus.
Finally, you gained valuable experience backing up your opinions with evidence when you write.
Computer gaming is a fascinating topic and if you would like to learn more about this topic and try out some popular games you can continue your studies.
Good luck happy gamers